Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
the things you find...
Triangle Tapes '93
here are a couple of samples from Tony Madejczyk's cassette reviews from Spectator volume 15, number 50. Tony, if this is a problem, I will take it down. here we go...
Works in Progress is a rough mix of a CD/cassette that may or may not be called Tuneslinger, or Junk 'em if They Can't Take Folk, or Do Your Thing. Produced byVince Brooks and Kurt at Moon Cricket Studios. In "Pretty Flannel Nightie" a bluegrass fiddle plays happily while Kurt sings, "You can use some thermals for your heart."
Kurt's certainly mellowed over the years and his voice goes down like some good sour mash. Kurt's bluegrass-tinged country is put together like a good car. It gets you there. "Do Your Thing" is about live and let live: "I don't care what trip you're on, just don't park it on my lawn."
There's a lovely duet with Teresa Williams in "Make the Pieces Fit." When do we send him to Nashville?
Bil sent in a compilation of artist's he's had the pleasure of recording in his studio. "Sex in a Bottle" is metal funk from Winston-Salem's 4-Play, blurring genres. Very clean sound, some cool guitar effects.
"South 421" is written and performed by Jenko and Don Griffis in rockabillytexass-wingfunk style. It's bizzare, like a pedal steel hooked up to a synthesizer. Bil's tape is one of the many pleasant surprises in a project like this.
Pete's gentle prodding humor may seem coy or unbearable to the fast-paced set, but I can imagine him cutting up crowds young and old with his tunefullness and everyday observations. Kind of like Boxcar Willie meets Jimmy Buffett. Pete points out the theraputic benefits of shopping at "The Hardware Store" where right is right, especially that measuring edge over there on aisle 6. This is full length with tunes, like the PC-inspired "If You Say Stop (This Man Will)," where Pete rocks and lays down the law. No means no, and don't expect him to talk you out of it.
After "Hardware" my fave is "Duct Tape," written by Greg Brown. After all it's what holds the world together.
Tony is currently blogging here:
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Down to Earth
The drawing of "Stand-Up Comedian" is my own doing. When one plays a night club, the customers are inclined to ask you a number of questions and one of the more frequently asked is: "How do you like our town?" I've found in cities and towns everywhere- there are "hip" people and "squares!" My drawing represents the comic: what is in front of him- around him- and what he's thinking about. The circles and the squares are his audience- some bright- some square. The stand-up mic, his body and the ends of his fingers, which take on the appearance of frayed wires, are his nerves! It's all there- study it and forget it!